Global Warming Catfights
The global warming debate is fascinating. Even referring to it as a 'debate' is enough to raise hackles on the side of the faithful, certain that nothing short of rolling back the industrial revolution will save the planet.
Climate is very complex (!) and computer models of it are far from certain. I am not going to wade in here; I have my opinions, but the field is so complicated, and I am so unexpert, that I wouldn't add anything except bloviation, and there's all that anyone needs all over the internet.
For an interesting look into the kind of fights underway, I would direct you to two sites, and for insights into one little section of the debate. The Climate2003 site has been supplanted by
One thing to watch for in the posts and comments of the sites are evidences of very unscientific attitudes, like denunciations, ad hominem attacks, obfuscations, and reluctance to share information, like data and methods, this last fault lying largely on the pro-global warming side. The whole thing stinks to high heaven, in my opinion. I am skeptical by nature (comes with the scientific territory) but I will generally bow to the experts when I have no good reason to doubt them. These guys are giving me lots of reasons. They might be right and righteous, but it stinks.
On the other hand, even if their data, models or methods suck, it doesn't mean that global warming isn't occurring, or that humans aren't playing a part, even the biggest part. It just means that they didn't prove it. .
I can comment on the debate without wading into the scientific waters, which I have admitted are over my head. What bothers me most is the constant harping on the "consensus" of climate scientists regarding global warming. I think that it isn't clear that there is a consensus, but, damn it all, if science has any lesson, it's that consensus can be wrong, and heresy has to be tolerated. Until 1905, scientific consensus was that Newton was right. Einstein took care of that, and then some. And any scientist who isn't up to a full frontal assault on his ideas ought to consider another line of work. Anyone who rejects a criticism of scientific canon is being unscientific unless some basic principle, like conservation of energy, is being violated. Climate science is impressive, but it isn't at the point of being natural law.
The faithful will claim that the negative consequences of global warming are so dire, we can't wait for the science to be certain. This sort of argument is fallacious. It's like someone saying that you have to believe in Cthulu, because if you don't, he'll send you to the netherworld. Not if he doesn't exist...